Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Missing the Point Entirely

First point of business. Puppy is doing well. She has a "tattoo" on her side to help guide the cone for her radiation treatments that looks quite a bit like a Windows PC logo. Considering my household is an Apple house I'm thinking we're not compatible. Ah well. Also, Bill Gates, if you read this, radiation treatment for dogs is pricey and we're providing free advertising for Windows.  Just sayin...

But that's not the point today. Today's point is that, we're missing it.

My blog is not really the place where I want to discuss politics. I may have a degree in Poli Sci but that mostly serves to make my office wall look more official. Considering there is a plush The Cheat doll sitting under the diploma nullifies the official look a bit, but hey, I am what I am.

All this is to say that I'm not about to discuss politics though I may hint upon it.

If I were a fashion label, magazine, or "authority" (my authority extends to my dogs who choose to recognize it at their convenience) I would NOT be publishing articles or advertisements about what to wear at Occupy Wall Street.

The first article I saw in which a reporter asked a demonstrator what they were planning to wear to Occupy I passed off as a fluke.  A bad question that maybe had some greater impact but was lost in the editing of the article.  I was wrong.

Don Ryan/AP from Occupy Portland

Unlike me, the homeless guy in the blanket has concerns greater than whether that girl is wearing knock-off Uggs.

Agree with the demonstrators at Occupy Wall Street (or Occupy any city) or not their cause is one of economic injustice.  And to bring fashion into it, to try to sell to your customers the dress they need to look fashionable while expressing their outrage at corporate greed is missing the point entirely.

It's embarrassing.  I'm embarrassed reading it.  I'm so embarrassed that I can't bring myself to buy wares from company using Occupy Wall Street as a promotional event.  It's hard, in economic times of uncertainty, to even want to wear or be associated with an item that can be considered luxury (and I don't think someone should feel guilty if they are wearing a pair of pricey Manolo Blahniks, I'm just saying I can understand why they would), it's unthinkable to wear an item that sought to cash in on this movement as though it were a trend.  And that some consumers are okay to treat it like a trend?

Can you imagine if in the 60s the concern was, "Yes, but what was Phil Ochs *wearing* while he sang?"

I didn't hear "And I won't be buying $1,000 scarves when I'm gone."  But maybe I'm just not listening close enough.

Tomorrow will be a return to frivolous eye candy.  Because there is nothing wrong with it!

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